Saturday, April 7, 2012


I have yet to meet someone who enjoys taking a test, but it is time for our class to do our standardized testing.  To help make this experience as positive as possible I'm asking for you help with the following things. 

  • Remind your student that they are very smart!  They need your support an encouragement at this time.  Please, help them feel that they will be successful if they take it seriously. 
  • Help your child perform better by making sure they get enough sleep the night before. 
  • Please, make sure they eat breakfast before coming to school on a test day. 

Thank You So Much!  If you have any information or concerns about the testing please do not hesitate to contact me!

Mrs. Gelter

Spelling Bee

It's that time of year again!  If you believe that your students will be interested in participating in the school spelling bee, please, contact me.  We going start preparing now so we're reading in a few weeks.

Field Day Sign Ups

Our field day is coming up!  I told the students that I would post a list of the activities that our school will be doing so they can start thinking about what they'd like to participate in.  As you review this list please help your student to select activities that they will feel successful in.  Please remember that every student is encouraged to select 2 activities.

Balance Beam/BeanBag Walk.

Basketball Free Throws.

Bowling Bash.
Croquet Golf.
Diving for Eggs.
Egg Toss.

Frisbee Pancake Flip.

Froggy Finds a Pad.
Hula Hoop Frisbee Throw.
Hula Hoop Marathon.
Marble Toes.

Miniature Golf.
Ping Pong Ball Blow.
Rope Jumping Race.

Round and Round the Tire Goes.

Rubber Chicken Throw.

Shoe Kick.
Snow Cone Carry.
Something Fishy. 

Yarn ball Toss.


Parent Help Needed!

May 11th we will have the opportunity to take a field trip to the movie theater to celebrate the fast approaching end of the year.  I am currently trying to arrange some parent help with this activity.  The 3rd grade is hoping to have 6 adults to help supervise the students.  You get to watch a movie with the most enthusiastic audience you can imagine!  Please contact me if you're interested.

School Fundraiser-- We Want To WIN!!!

I'm sure you are as excited as our students about the school fund-raiser currently happening.  We are in a dead heat with one other class for the grand prize pizza party.  Any creativity you can offer us to help us calm the party that we SO deserve, please share.  I hope you have a great Spring Break!!!